
Picasso Revisited

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Regarding Christopher Knight’s review of the Museum of Modern Art’s Picasso exhibit (“Picasso Revisited (Again),” July 13): I have an idea. The next time some poor critic faces such a tedious assignment, please send me instead. I cannot have enough of Picasso, and I will even take my kids, who feel the same way.

It’s possible to assume that every time an exhibit of this magnitude comes up (and who cares what curators are competing?) new eyes will open and be freshly struck by lines, color and invention. Is there enough nonlethal stimulation around for young people nowadays that we should tell MOMA to just “forget it”?

One of the delights of being in the presence of Picasso’s art and seemingly limitless ideas is the feeling, “I can do this”; and creativity, especially in kids, takes off. That message cannot be evoked too often--unless one is so jaded that others’ possibilities for creative contagion, whatever the scale or application, are deemed unimportant.


And, P.S., I believe Fernande’s last name was not lost to history, but was Olivier.


Laguna Beach
