
Arts Park Proposal

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Thank you for your editorial (July 14) on the new look for the Arts Park. You said what I’ve been thinking all the years since the original plan was announced. Heaven knows the Valley could use a center for the arts. The Cultural Foundation people have never understood that the Sepulveda Basin is simply the wrong place for their dream. They have refused to consider any other site although several have been offered. If they had seriously explored the Cal State Northridge campus area 15 years ago they might have their center in progress by now. I seem to recall the cost of the original plan was estimated at $70 million; now the price is $150 million--far too much.

The editorial put it very well: “Building such a project on the Valley’s largest patch of open space--and in a federal flood plain” is an odd choice. More buildings, more parking lots, more organized activities do not belong in a park.


