
Rejection of 2 Finalists for College Job Protested

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Angry that two local administrators were rejected as potential Oxnard College president, dozens of teachers, employees and others crowded the district office Monday demanding that the issue be reconsidered.

More than 60 people confronted Chancellor Philip Westin outside his office, contending that trustees circumvented district policy when they voted two weeks ago not to hire either of two finalists for the position.

“The hiring process wasn’t followed,” complained Kitty Merrill, a television production instructor at Oxnard College. “When the final candidates’ names were submitted, those names were just thrown out.”


After listening to complaints for more than two hours, Westin agreed to place an item on next week’s board agenda that would allow trustees to reverse their decision not to hire Moorpark College Vice President Darlene Pacheco or interim Oxnard College President Ruth Hemming.

Instead of choosing from the two finalists selected by a screening committee, Ventura County Community College District trustees told Westin July 16 to find an interim president from outside the district and to restart the search for a permanent president.

But critics said Monday that they want a leader who knows the college and its needs, especially during the upcoming year as the college launches a dental hygiene curriculum and reopens a Camarillo satellite campus.


“The problem with waiting is that there’s no reason to,” said Carmen Guerrero-Calderon, vice president of the Oxnard College Academic Senate, an advisory board that makes policy recommendations to the board of trustees.

“We had an excellent hiring process and there’s no reason to throw it out,” said Guerrero-Calderon, who was on the screening committee composed of faculty, administrators and a representative of the community.


But several trustees disagreed. They said the screening process did not work, and that they want to interview more candidates before settling on anyone.


Board President Pete Tafoya said Monday that trustees and college employees are seeking the same thing: a competent administrator to lead the institution into the next century.

The two sides are taking a different route toward the same goal, Tafoya said.

“It’s unfortunate that the intent of the board has not gotten across to the people who have claimed that we circumvented the process,” he said. “In fact, the board is seeking exactly what they are seeking--the very best person for Oxnard College.”

Because of its personnel policies, the board has not explained in detail why it decided to pass over district employees for the Oxnard College presidency. When the board of trustees convenes next Tuesday, the panel will have conflicting items on a lengthy agenda.

In addition to giving trustees the opportunity to reverse their decision, the board will be asked to hire Judith Valles, former president of Golden West College, as interim president of Oxnard College.

“We’ll let the trustees decide for themselves,” Westin said after Monday’s impromptu meeting, which began at 11 a.m. and lasted through lunchtime.

But Trustee Timothy D. Hirschberg said Monday that he stands by his vote not to choose a new president from among candidates within the district.


“I’m going to vote for the chancellor’s recommendation to have the appointment of Judith Valles approved for interim president,” Hirschberg said.

Valles previously worked with Westin at the Orange County college district.

“It would be better for the college to settle down and begin the work of getting the new year started,” Hirschberg said. “It would be helpful to have a cooling-off period, put presidential politics aside and get back to the classroom.”

But some Oxnard College employees said delaying the hiring of a new president hurts the 21-year-old institution, in part because most employees have already formed loyalties to Hemming or Pacheco.

“This action destabilizes our college. It takes away our momentum,” said Jim Merrill, an English instructor. “How much success is this new wonder person going to achieve, given the reception that he or she is going to get?”

Hirschberg, however, said the ultimate responsibility of steering the three colleges in the district lies with the trustees.

“I understand there’s a lot of loyalty and feeling for the inside candidates,” Hirschberg said. “Both [Pacheco and Hemming] no question have served the district very well over the years in every position they filled.


“The board doesn’t want to take any of that away from them,” he said. “But the board has decided how it wants to fill the position on a permanent basis, and this is the road to take.”
