
New Choices: With nothing but the treetops...

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New Choices: With nothing but the treetops between them and the stars, underprivileged boys have learned to reach higher at Pyles Camp in the Sequoia National Forest. Founded after World War II by a Huntington Beach oilman, the camp has taught 20,000 boys responsibility and goal-setting skills. Though conditions in the neighborhoods the boys come from have changed over the decades, the camp remains a link to timeless values (B1).

Wester’s Folly: Call him a dreamer, or call him, well, just call him. When MCA Inc. announced plans to double the size of its entertainment complex in Universal City, Michael Wester said: Not in my neighborhood! But Wester is no run-of-the-mill NIMBY. He came up with a detailed proposal, complete with schematics, for an alternative complex to be built downtown. So far, MCA hasn’t shown any interest in moving over the hill. Wester’s now trying to get the attention of the mayor’s office (B2).

Unhappy Trails: Dennis Weaver, one of the last cowboy pitchmen, is being put out to pasture by the Chatsworth-based S & L he served for 14 years. Weaver’s contract with Great Western Bank recently expired and isn’t expected to be renewed. Weaver’s folksy salesmanship apparently was not hard-edged enough for modern sensibilities (D7A).


Not So Hot: From the Minor Victories Department: Last year on July 29 the mercury hit a record 110 in Woodland Hills, 7 degrees above Monday’s high. Still, the Valley remains in the grip of fierce summer heat. Dodging a record may not be as comforting as an ocean breeze, but it’s better than a broken air conditioner.
