
Man Gets Year for Dumping Chemicals

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The co-owner of a Sun Valley metal-finisher business was sentenced Tuesday to a year in Los Angeles County Jail and fined $100,000 for dumping hazardous chemicals into the city sewer system, authorities said.

Jack Meltzer, co-owner and operator of Quality Processing Inc., was sentenced after being found guilty by a Los Angeles criminal court judge earlier this year, a clerk at the county district attorney’s office said.

Meltzer could not be reached for comment.

The district attorney’s office and the Los Angeles city attorney’s Environmental Crime Division began litigation against Meltzer based on infractions in 1994 in which he dumped chemicals into the sewer system at his business, said Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the district attorney’s office.


Quality Processing is a metal-finisher company that handles hazardous chemicals, including cyanide and acid, Gibbons said.
