
Council to Decide on Bolsa Chica Talks

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The City Council on Monday will consider whether to begin talks with Koll Real Estate Group about water and sewer service to the housing development being proposed for the Bolsa Chica area.

The controversial 3,300-home project, which would be in an unincorporated area next to Huntington Beach, is being opposed by a number of environmental groups, including Huntington Beach Tomorrow, the Surfrider Foundation and the Sierra Club.

“We don’t feel the city should bear the burden of this project, let alone give them water,” said Flossie Horgan, founder of the Bolsa Chica Land Trust, which advocates preserving the entire Bolsa Chica area as open space.


Lucy Dunn, Koll senior vice president, said this week that there is no proposal before the city and that the company merely wants to discuss the issue with city officials.

“It is in everyone’s best interest to talk,” Dunn said. “We just want to be reasonable, and I know the city wants to be reasonable.”

City staff is recommending that the city begin discussions on the possibility of a water agreement with Koll and continue negotiations on other issues, such as library, fire and police service.


Members of the environmental groups said they plan to attend Monday’s council meeting to oppose any move to provide city water for the development.

“This project is nothing but a financial burden to the city,” Horgan said. “We’re hoping our City Council will do the right thing and just say ‘no.’ ”
