
A Coward’s Target

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I wish Howard Rosenberg’s column “Bomb-Suspect Reporting Sets an Ugly Record” (Aug. 1) was front page news.

I am disgusted by the total disregard for peoples’ rights to privacy and to be innocent until found guilty.

Richard Jewell fits the profile, all right. He fits the profile of an easy story. Single, lives with his mother--right there the sharks smell blood. Pudgy too--the kind of person people love to hate. In other words, someone without the clout to fight back. A coward’s target.


I too think it is perfectly plausible that he is guilty. But whether he is or not, I think his rights were violated. If he’s not guilty, I’m sure his life is probably ruined or damaged badly.

Unfortunately, the law of the economic jungle says this will happen. Reporters will continue to behave this way as long as it pays (and wins).

What is needed is some kind of legislation (I’m sure very difficult to draft) that would provide some kind of protection for the rights of citizens against the media. I wish someone would raise this issue to a higher level. Thank you, Howard Rosenberg, for your efforts.



