
College Trustees Sit in Ivory Tower

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Thank you for providing continuing coverage of the presidential hiring debacle at Oxnard College. I have been a college employee for 10 years. In that time, the college has made many strides. However, in one stroke, the college board of trustees has acted to wipe out these gains and return Oxnard College to the status of a satellite. By deciding to throw out the presidential hiring process, the board has sent the message to the campus and to the community that their input is not important. If we do not understand the needs of our institution, who does?

The president of Oxnard College faces formidable challenges. This institution is growing; the city is growing. But those challenges and the best way to respond to them are not necessarily what the board dictates. While compatibility with the district management may be an issue to consider in hiring a new president, that president’s ability to fit neatly into the pockets of the board and the chancellor should not be.

In their statements and actions, it is implicit that the board believes their wisdom to be greater than that of the campus. Like a benevolent father, the board looks down on our campus and knows best. If the trustees know best, there is no need for, and there should be no campus process. This process must not be judged acceptable only when the results rubber-stamp the conceits of the board.



