
Help for the Harried / Juggling Tips

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Special to The Times

What’s your secret to juggling work and family? Our experts share their personal solutions.

‘My solution?...A brand of almost completely instant and complete foods...has saved my life. Real cooking shortcuts are the biggest change in our life.’

--Robin Hardman, director of marketing at New York-based Families and Work Institute and mother of a 14-month-old



‘I rely on routines and very strict time management, both at work and at home. Also, I target what needs to be done this month at home: Do we need to fertilize the grass this month or clean out the garage...?’

--Jeanne Ulatowski, manager of work-life services at Northern Trust Bank in Chicago and mother of an 8-year-old girl


’...For me, my husband is the priority. Getting home on time to be with him is as important as a parent getting home to spend time with their child.’


--Katherine Johansen, nutrition and health educator at UC Irvine


‘I cultivate a work-free zone in my mind. When work is done, I transition by exercising and then mentally I know that I’m no longer in work mode. When I notice that work thoughts start to creep into my head, I can say, “I’m going to deal with that tomorrow.”

--Leslie Godwin, executive director of Parent Support Services, which helps people balance work and family


‘My husband and I share a suite of offices that is walking distance from our house in West L.A. We had to sacrifice by buying a smaller home than if we lived out in the Valley, but we love the convenience.’


--Susan Silver, professional organizing consultant, and mother of a small child


‘I have a baby-sitter on retainer. For a month I pay him X amount of dollars, and sometimes I use him a lot and sometimes I don’t use him very much. We work on a very flexible schedule, so I always have coverage even though I don’t have any family in the area.’

--Zora Em Speert, psychotherapist in Santa Monica
