
Housing Case Not About Money

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Your Aug. 5 editorial, “The Victims Get the Short End,” is misleading and lacks logic.

The plaintiffs in the case agreed to the amount of settlement prior to any discussion of attorney fees. There was no relationship between monies received by the plaintiffs and the attorney’s fees. Therefore, it is erroneous to state that the “victims get the short end.”

This editorial only focuses on the monetary settlement, which is very shortsighted. The greater victory is that Clark Biggers entered into a consent decree that he would no longer discriminate against families with children.

In my estimation, this was a fair settlement, in that it mandated changes in discriminatory policies and practices and required the perpetrator to pay the cost of enforcement by way of attorney’s fees.


This is a great victory for the community and sends a strong message that housing discrimination will not be tolerated.


Chair, Fair Housing Council

of Orange County

Santa Ana
