
Fizz Theory

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Re your Aug. 4 editorial, “A Big Fizz, Not a Big Flood”:

It astounds me how quickly, desperately and blindly you turn to the latest “scientific” theory! Now we are to believe that the Earth resembles a giant can of soda pop which, like some volcano god, spewed carbonated fizz at intelligent, yet offending reptiles. Somehow I found even Zeus’ thunder and lightning bolts nobler than this.

How exactly is this fizz more scientific or “credible” and less “superstitious” than a Great Flood? Merely because it is reported in Science magazine? Is it really a coincidence that the Great Flood theory appears in the historical traditions of peoples as widely scattered across the globe as Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus, Chinese, Aztecs and Incas?

It will take more than fizz to help me digest the latest and distressing evolutionary stew!



