
Heston as a Revisionist

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Once again, The Times has taken it upon itself to publish the rambling tirade of a bitter old man. Charlton Heston’s point regarding Ice-T (Calendar Letters, Aug. 17) is somewhat stilted and convoluted. Does he wish to trumpet the work of Dick Wolf or excoriate Ice-T? Doubtful. Instead Heston seems intent on praising his own doings. “Aren’t I great? I got Ice-T fired! I did civil rights work with Martin Luther King!” Heston’s revisionist intent is obvious to all, except, perhaps, the editors of this paper. Hey, Chuck, I don’t love you, man!




Thank goodness Ice-T has Charlton Heston to serve as his moral conscience.

My only question is why Heston’s “morality alarm” did not go off when he was making the film “True Lies” with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Surely, such a vanguard of decency like Heston had to be offended at Schwarzenegger’s first hit film, “The Terminator.” After all, Schwarzenegger had a scene in that movie in which he killed about 20 police officers.

The curbing of artistic freedom is nothing to be proud of, especially when it appears your own backyard is filled with potholes of hypocrisy. The bottom line is this: If you don’t want to listen to it, then don’t. If you don’t want to see it, then don’t. Just don’t tell me what I can listen to and watch.



Van Nuys


It’s not his fault. Rumor has it that Charlton Heston injured himself lifting those giant tablets of the Ten Commandments and since then has simply been unable to pick up (and read) the 1st Amendment.

Heston writes that he’s proud that he “helped get Ice-T fired” by Time Warner. No doubt, he’s also proud of helping get “Lou Grant” canceled and Ed Asner fired by CBS (Heston waged “Star Wars” against Asner’s outspoken unionism and opposition to [then-President] Reagan’s policy in El Salvador).

If only Cecil B. DeMille had hired Heston to play Thomas Jefferson, none of these things would have happened.



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