
Tough to Love San Diego Now

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Oh, Mr. Plaschke, surely you jest. Did you get hate mail from San Diego? What a change of tune in your Aug. 20 “There’s No Harm Done by Bolting” from your Aug. 6 “How the West Was Won.”

Are L.A. fans to suddenly forget this hotly contested pennant race and embrace those L.A. wannabes, the San Diego Chargers, just because the two Bobbies are building a team with “character”? In a stadium that should be renamed “Tarps Are Us” during baseball season?

Just last season at Jack Murphy, we sat behind a person so engrossed in the Padre game that she managed to read only four sections of her newspaper. And recently, my family was seated in a popular San Diego sports bar, and our hostess’ comment upon learning we were visitors from the north was a smirking “Oh, Smell-A.”


Sorry, guys, can’t cheer for the Chargers. Cut palm trees, maybe, but character? If the character of Charger fans is an example, Bobby Ross, you’d better sign a few Moorpark Little Leaguers.


