
Affirmation Action

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I found your story on affirmative action very distressing--especially when I read the quotes by two white women who blame minorities for robbing them of opportunities (“Opponents of Prop. 209 Target Women Voters,” Aug. 20).

Girlfriends, wake up! When they keep one group down, they keep us all down. As a Chinese American woman, I belong to two minority groups, and not a day goes by that I don’t see examples of how discrimination interlocks gender and race in mutual oppression.

Studies have shown that women, not minorities, are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action. Yet the same people who have gotten where they are thanks to equal opportunity programs now want to deny others the same opportunity. When the rights of women and minorities are under fire on so many fronts, we should be partners in the struggle, not enemies in battle.



Los Angeles
