
Television Star Arrested in Tennessee

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Television actor Sasha Mitchell, wanted in Ventura County for violating probation in a wife-abuse case, was arrested Monday in Tennessee, then freed on bond after he pledged to return home to face a possible jail sentence, authorities said.

Mitchell, 29, who rents a house on eight acres about 85 miles south of Nashville, was arrested by Franklin County sheriff’s deputies, acting on a warrant issued here July 22.

The actor served 75 days in Ventura County Jail in connection with the 1995 beating of his wife, Jeanette, 25, at their Thousand Oaks home. He was wanted for failing to keep appointments with his probation officer and for failing to attend court-ordered domestic violence counseling, officials have said.


At his arraignment Monday, Mitchell signed a waiver of extradition and said he would willingly return to California, said Tammy Terpay, a deputy court clerk in Franklin County. “I believe he is planning to fly back within 10 days.”

Mitchell, who starred in the ABC sitcom “Step by Step,” posted a $25,000 property bond co-signed by John Bynum, a longtime farmer in the small town of Cowan, Tenn.

Neighbors said Monday that Bynum has befriended Mitchell and is teaching the actor and professional kick boxer to farm.

Mitchell’s probation officer has recommended that he be sentenced to 90 days in County Jail when he returns, Deputy Dist. Atty. Adam Perlman said. The prosecutor would not say how much additional time in jail he will ask a judge to impose.

“I don’t know what my recommendation will be, but he’s going to have to do some time in jail,” Perlman said. “I haven’t even heard anything official from the courts in Tennessee yet.”

Mitchell was first arrested at his home April 21, 1995, after he allegedly assaulted his wife. Five months later, Mitchell pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor count of spousal abuse.


He was placed on three years’ probation and ordered to perform community service as well as attend counseling classes for spouse abusers. He spent 30 days in jail in January after failing to comply with his probation terms.

In May, a judge sentenced Mitchell to 60 days in jail for violating his probation and for continued violence against his wife. He was released after 45 days.

Mitchell missed three counseling sessions and was a no-show at four probation meetings. Because probation authorities were unable to locate Mitchell, an arrest warrant was issued last month.
