
Religion and Law Get Together

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The city of Buena Park and a minister appear to have worked out a sensible compromise that will let the clergyman continue his laudable program of helping the homeless.

City officials had received complaints about the dozens of the homeless congregating around the First Southern Baptist Church, where the Rev. Wiley S. Drake is pastor. Drake said ministering to the homeless was part of a religious mission, protected by the 1st Amendment. City officials said churches must follow zoning ordinances and other laws, including those against camping.

After months of confrontation, Drake this week promised to try to build a temporary shelter for the homeless. City officials said a shelter would be satisfactory.


Drake’s efforts to help those without shelter deserve praise. Orange County has few beds for its many homeless. But residents’ concerns about possible misbehavior by those whom Drake helps, and about zoning law violations, also warrant attention. Competing interests need to be balanced.

Drake said he has received donated materials for a shelter but still needs free services from an architect or engineer. The donations by people willing to help those down on their luck should be recognized and encouraged. They stand in sharp contrast to the sorry record of most Orange County cities in helping the homeless.
