
U.S. Policy in Middle East

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* In his commentary, “The Boutique Approach to World Crises” (Sept. 5), Simon Jenkins hits the nail right on the head. American foreign policy is inconsistent, no place more than it is in the Middle East. For the same action, Israel gets the carrot and the Arabs get the stick. This policy is largely authored by “friends of Israel” with disregard to the U.S. long-term vital interests.

The double standard of this policy can only lead to anger and frustration among the Arabs. Americans should not be surprised one day, if this policy continues, to wake up and find Saudi Arabia going the way of Iran, and the price of oil quadrupling.



* Frankly, I am puzzled. How did this strange love develop between the Clinton White House and the Kurdish people?


In Turkey, thousands of Kurds are massacred every year, villages are burned down, people are uprooted and Kurds are denied their most basic human rights of identity, culture and language. Yet the Clinton administration, like its predecessors, rewards Turkey every year with millions of American tax dollars and the most sophisticated military equipment, which is used in the oppression of the Kurdish people.

Is this guy in the White House a Turk or does he think we are turkeys?



* Your Sept. 4 article (“Winning Kurdish Faction Reports Easy Victory With Iraqi Help”) quotes a KDP fighter as saying that during the clashes in Irbil, the “Moujahedeen Khalq” (the People’s Moujahedeen of Iran) accompanied forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq and the Iraqi army.

This is absolutely false. Only the clerical regime in Iran benefits from dissemination of such prevarications. No members of the Moujahedeen or the National Liberation Army, the Iranian Resistance’s military arm, were in any way involved in the clashes in question. For many years the Iranian Resistance has emphasized that in no way has it gotten or will it ever get involved in Iraq’s internal affairs.


The presence of the Iranian Resistance’s military arm along the Iran-Iraq frontier, hundreds of miles away from Kurdish regions, is only to overthrow the religious, terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran and establish democracy in Iran. Besides, the Moujahedeen have no forces or bases in Iraqi Kurdistan.


Press Office of the

People’s Mojahedin of Iran


* Regarding Iraq: Let me get this straight now.

We use weapons of mass destruction against Iraq to prevent Iraq (Saddam Hussein) from obtaining weapons of mass destruction because we know that if Iraq (Hussein) gets these weapons he will use them.

I think I’ve got it.


