
Gang Members in Wheelchairs

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I fail to see the reason you published your Sept. 9 Column One article about gang members who are now unable to walk and using wheelchairs. Was this to engender sympathy for people who have not only brought misfortune upon themselves and their families but have harmed, terrorized and generally made life miserable for law-abiding people?

One young man is described as living in filthy surroundings, being unable to live in a civilized manner with his grandmother. Why doesn’t he at least police his area? Obviously he has not tried to further his education or improve his life in any way. Instead he mourns his lack of status in a criminal gang. The thing that really angers me is that he is on SSI. Some decent law-abiding legal alien is not qualified for SSI but this irresponsible thug is.

As for the other young man described, he is still hanging with his “homies” and has a higher status with the gang. What a thing to be proud of. Hanging out day after day doing nothing except maybe harassing a young woman who is actually trying to pass her algebra class. I usually sympathize with folks who are less lucky than I am but these two young men have only been a burden and a detriment to society. Neither has shown remorse and neither seems to have been changed by their misfortune.



Port Hueneme

Your paean to paralyzed gangbangers made me sad--sad that we taxpayers are paying disability benefits to these appalling people.


Los Angeles
