
Neighborhood Restores Mural as Peace Symbol

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For 20 years, the Wilhall Park Mural in Wilmington has been a symbol of peace and harmony. When the mural is rededicated Sunday, community activists say its message will be more important than ever. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” said D.C. Chavez of the mural restoration committee. “We have to stop these kids from getting involved in gangs and committing violence and we want this mural to bring people together to combat the problem.”

Recent cuts to the county-sponsored Community Youth Gang Services program has heightened the need for the community to take action, Chavez said. Mothers will talk about children who have been lost to violence, and local pastors will lead the community in prayers to draw attention to the problem at the rededication ceremony.

The restoration project has been a community effort. Residents assisted artist Joe Bravo in restoring the mural, which is 40 feet high and 70 feet wide. Time had taken a toll on the painting, which depicts a man and a woman offering one hand out to offer help and another hand up toward a Jesus Christ. Bravo painted the mural two decades ago and during the restoration added silhouettes of children attacked by violence.


The mural will be dedicated Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in Wilhall Park, at C Street and Neptune Avenue.
