
Mailers Deliver Mixed Messages

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Cecilia Henderson wrote on Sept. 1, in “Orange County Voices,” of her experience with Republican Party “mailers.”

As a registered Democrat, the “political bunk” that I receive is obviously more bulky and primarily Democratic (although an occasional Republican mailer creeps in--I am from Orange County). The so-called opinion polls frequently appear. My thoughts regarding the legitimacy of the polls are similar to Ms. Henderson’s. I consider them to be more testing the latest sound bite or a campaign slogan rather than seeking opinions.

I have been invited to become a “Friend of Bill” several times and, of course, my opinions are valued and sought out. U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer vowed to personally read all comments--attached to campaign contributions, that is!


A few months ago, I wrote my opinions out on a variety of topics and mailed them to politicians and other groups who seek my contributions--over 30 at last count. So far, I have received two replies. Common Cause wrote thanking me for the effort but regretting they “lacked the resources” to read them. Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D-N.Y.), with whom I have corresponded in the past, also thanked me as well as indicating that he (probably a staff member) had read them. He did not solicit campaign funds and never has. So far, not a single other politico has responded, although they continue to solicit funds and “value my opinions.”


