
Airport Could Improve Cab Service

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Re “All’s Fare in Taxi War Over Airport,” Sept. 6:

Wow, two cab companies are competing for the taxi service contract at John Wayne Airport and it seems the only issue is how much their fares will be. Whatever happened to service?

After using so much of our taxpayers’ money, whoever designed the airport should have known enough to put the taxi stand right at the curb and not make you carry your luggage across a very busy street.

Secondly, more times than not, the cab drivers will be downright rude when you tell them you want to go to one of the nearby office buildings or hotels. They just don’t hesitate to let you know they’re not happy to take you for a short ride. Seems they have to wait in line a while and they only want long rides so they’ll have bigger fares


Can’t say as I blame them (as a matter of fact, if the driver is relatively pleasant or at least neutral, I will give him a $10 bill for what is about a $3.50 fare to my office). But what am I supposed to do, wait for a more accommodating driver or walk?

The Airport Commission and The Board of Supervisors should be looking to improve service to the public, not only to maximize revenues.


