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The letter bemoaning “another in a never-ending series of pieces on Googie” (“Googie Woogie,” by Stuart Cohn, So SoCal, June 23) prompts me to rise to the defense of the “Tour du Jour” series, which included “Googie Woogie.” (How could the letter writer not like the picture of the drive-through Donut Hole?)

Whether the topic be benches, stairs or, most recently, “A Bevy of Bridges” (Aug. 4), I always clip and save the article. I then get out the Thomas Guide and plot a route from work in Pasadena to my home in Orange County that will include one of the newest sites in the “Tour du Jour.”

If the tour guides are running out of topics, I can offer a few suggestions: (1) Frank Lloyd Wright (2) neon lights (3) funerary monuments (4) Churrigueresque. Tom Verkuilen


Santa Ana
