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Poor old Beverly Hills real estate agent Jeffrey Hyland, who, along with his shuddering, sniffing and reminiscing Westside associates, cannot separate the twin concepts of “hot tubs” and “canyon living” (“Where’d All Those Darn Hot Tubs Go?” by Laura Accinelli, Aug. 4). His further singling out of Topanga Canyon as a prime example of an outmoded lifestyle only shows he has no idea of what Topanga is all about in the ‘90s. Why doesn’t Hyland saddle up his Rover and come up for an eye-opening tour of our community? I guarantee he’ll be shocked at the home values, excellent schools and sense of neighborhood and town that he won’t find on the best blocks of Beverly Hills. Let him take in a few of our award-winning restaurants or enjoy an afternoon of Shakespeare at the renowned Theatricum Botanicum. Or he could just go for a quiet stroll along the many state park trails. After such a long afternoon of “hedonism,” Hyland, too, would welcome a long soak in a hot tub. But sorry, Jeffy--canyonites only. Wendy Skolfield

