
Election Spotlight: Where are the pols looking...

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Election Spotlight: Where are the pols looking this election year for California voters’ thumbs-up or thumbs-down on the Newt Gingrich-led 104th Congress? Why, the San Fernando Valley, of course. . . . Hotly contested races to replace retiring Reps. Anthony Beilenson (D-Woodland Hills) and Carlos Moorhead (R-Glendale) have put the Valley on the national radar screen (B1).

AIDS Wunderkind: The man behind today’s AIDS Walk Los Angeles has a long history of struggle on behalf of the beleaguered. . . . As a 13-year-old student at Columbus Junior High School in Canoga Park, Craig Miller was already organizing to stop the clubbing of baby seals. In just more than a decade, Miller’s AIDS organization has brought in $100 million with the walk (B1).

Making Fire: It takes months to plan a proper brush fire, starting with a map sent to homeowners and environmental impact studies. . . . Then a fluke of nature can ruin it all. . . . More than a dozen controlled burns have been canceled this year because of high temperature, low humidity or both. The burns are necessary to renew plants and wildlife and prevent wildfires, officials say. So far this year six have come off in the Santa Clarita Valley (B2).


The Winner Is . . . It’s not quite a Golden Globe, but Cal State Northridge’s department of radio, television and film is happy to have it anyway. The Foreign Press Assn. has awarded $15,000 to the department. . . . Chairwoman Judith Marlanne says she’ll spread the bucks around to young filmmakers.
