
Officials Study Pico Rivera Council Recall Petitions

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County elections officials are reviewing recall petitions against three Pico Rivera council members.

Workers must verify a minimum of 4,799 signatures against each of the council members--Gil De La Rosa, Beatrice Proo and Mayor John Chavez--to qualify the recalls for the city’s consolidated elections in March.

Last week, a group of residents accusing the three officials of “gross abuse of elected authority,” handed over more than 6,000 signatures against each member to the city clerk’s office.


Two such recall efforts against the same council members failed in recent years because the group missed filing deadlines. Then as now, organizers complained that they have been ignored during discussions of city finances, redevelopment projects and a toxic waste storage site.

If the recalls qualify for the ballot, De La Rosa said, he and his colleagues plan to emphasize their leadership.

“We’ve been doing the job as well as most council [members in the area] and better than many,” he said.
