
Website Lists School District Food Choices

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The next time you surf the Internet you will be able to browse a new Website listing the latest food offerings of the Ventura Unified School District.

The district provides meals to 17,000 children in 24 schools each school day, and its full-color Website was designed to teach children how to analyze their own diets, according to district Supt. Joseph Spirito.

An animated food pyramid shows the basic food groups. And the daily elementary school lunch menus are available, complete with an on-line nutritional analysis for each meal.


“The Website will be continuously updated to be a resource for kids, parents and the community, providing information on public school food service and how to educate children about the benefits of healthy eating,” said district Food Services Director Ed Diaz.

Additional features of the Website include the Performance Foods Center, which describes a low-fat, high-carbohydrate training meal at Ventura High School, and a chart that may be downloaded that encourages students to list their favorite foods and see the nutritional values of those choices.

Also, those who use the site can access other nutrition-oriented sites around the country.

The district’s Website is located on the Internet at
