
Court Security Screen Overdue

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Weapons screening to aid protection of the public and workers who use the Orange County Courthouse should have been in place several years ago (“Funds for Court Weapon Screening May Not Turn Up,” Sept. 16). The bankruptcy cannot be used as the whining excuse.

It is obvious to anyone who uses the facility that “officials . . . are fearful a problem exists with about 7,000 trips in and out of the courthouse each day.”

This past spring, I was summoned for jury duty. After the uneasiness about the safety of parking in the structure designated, I was shocked to arrive at the Civic Center Courthouse doors and there were no metal detectors. This to me showed total stupidity of this county. Yes, there were deputies inside the main lobby, yards away from the entrance. Even if they were at the door, how would they know who is carrying a weapon?


In my discussions with supervisors’ offices and the Superior Court administrative office, I learn there are three other entrances around the Courthouse that have no guards present at all!

The usual finger-pointing in the game of politics is now going on regarding the excuses as to why an airport-style security system has to wait. It is the duty of the Board of Supervisors and Chief Executive Officer Jan Mittermeier to fast-track this airport-style security system.


Laguna Beach
