
Libertarians Should Vote for Dole

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Alfred J. Lang is the director of bands at UC Irvine

This registered Libertarian is voting for Bob Dole. And it is my fervent hope that I can convince many other Libertarians and Reform Party members to do the same. Those of you who support Bill Clinton--well, there’s not much to say to you. You beatify Anita Hill yet vilify Paula Jones. You crucified the Nixon White House for the abuse of FBI files yet indemnify the present White House for much more egregious behavior. You railed at Nancy Reagan for dabbling in astrology yet hailed Hillary for her attempts at communicating with Eleanor Roosevelt. No, you folks are lost.

I voted for Andre Marrou in 1992, thereby helping to install Bill Clinton in the Oval Office. My libertarian goals--smaller government and lower taxes--would have been better served with George Bush, so I refuse to make the same mistake again. The argument is really quite simple. The Democrats want more government solutions to the population’s personal problems; the Republicans want government to get out of the way, enabling the population to help themselves and each other.

Sure, Libertarians have major disagreements with the Republican Party, yet the overarching theme of Libertarianism is freedom. Freedom from the shackles of big government. Freedom to work hard and to share the fruits of one’s labor with family, community and charity.


The United States is the most charitable nation on earth, perhaps in all of recorded history. We are not a heartless people; we are compassionate and just. We deserve to be trusted to help those who truly need help. The federal government has proven ineffective in solving many of our nation’s maladies. We have thrown billions of dollars into the “war” on poverty, yet more are impoverished now than ever before. We have thrown bills into state-run schools, yet illiteracy is rampant.

It is obvious that the federal government has failed to solve these problems. It cannot. It should not.

The next president of the United States will be either Bill Clinton or Bob Dole, this is a fact. We must look at these two men, their characters and their philosophies, then decide which one will be more effective.


First, let’s look at character. Scandal has followed Mr. Clinton since before he was governor of Arkansas. Where are the scandals in Mr. Dole’s career? His divorce? And what of their core beliefs? Their values? Which of these men will ask for our help, not our money?

Which candidate says that all people, not just rich people, should be entitled to send their kids to the school of their choice? Which of the two more embodies the spirit of Libertarianism? Is a true reformer?

The answer is obvious. That is why I encourage you all to think this through. Your vote for Harry Browne or Ross Perot will not move this nation any closer to achieving the great promises on which it was founded--liberty and opportunity.
