
John Wayne

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I could not believe it when I heard that an L.A. County firefighter complained about a photo of John Wayne (Oct. 5).

One individual called the “Duke” a right-wing white Republican and felt the photo was unfit to hang inside the Carson fire station.

As a member of the Los Angeles County community, shame on you. Wayne is an American hero. He was a hero to millions of people around the world because he represented the best America had to offer. When Wayne was close to death in 1979, President Jimmy Carter, a liberal Democrat, urged Congress to strike a special gold medal to honor his devotion and patriotism to America. Congress passed it unanimously.


President Carter stated, “John Wayne was bigger than life. In an age of few heroes, he was a genuine article. He was the symbol of many of the qualities that made America great.” President Ronald Reagan has said, “There is no one who more exemplifies the devotion to our country, its goodness, its industry, and its strengths than John Wayne.”

I strongly support Fire Chief Michael Freeman’s decision ordering Wayne’s photo reinstated. THOMAS MARCHETTI

