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* Your article on a research study that suggests use of Prozac during pregnancy may increase risk of premature births and minor birth defects (Oct. 3) admirably responded to important criticisms of this research, such as the lack of an adequate control group. Women with very severe depression will want to consider all the risks of taking or not taking medication while pregnant.

There are psychotherapies that are equally effective as medication in the treatment of depression. One of these, cognitive therapy, has been shown by research to be as effective as medication in treating depression and also to have lower relapse rates (reoccurrence of depression in the year subsequent to treatment) than medication and other forms of psychotherapy.

Cognitive therapy teaches depressed people how to overcome the behavioral inertia, negative thinking patterns and low mood that characterize and maintain depression. Recent research suggests cognitive therapy can lead to biological changes in brain functioning, just as medication does.




Center for Cognitive Therapy

Newport Beach
