
The West

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In Washington state, Gary Locke became the first Asian-American elected to a governorship in the mainland United States. Republicans generally did well in Senate races: Incumbents won easily in Idaho and New Mexico, and the party held on to open seats in Colorado and Wyoming. The race in Oregon for the seat given up by Republican Mark O. Hatfield was too close to call as of last night. Democrats lost Montana’s only House seat. In the presidential race, Clinton became the first Democrat to win Arizona since 1948.


* President --With 1% of votes counted:


Clinton 4,388 32% Dole 7,970 57% Perot 948 7%


* Senate--GOP Sen. Ted Stevens won reelection against Democrat Theresa Obermeyer, who blamed what she said was Stevens-led conspiracy for her husband flunking the bar exam 22 times.

* House--Republican Don Young won a a 12th term.


* President --With 71% of votes counted:


Clinton 461,601 46% Dole 447,429 45% Perot 74,566 8%


* House--In early returns, the lone incumbent Democrat and four of the five incumbent Republicans were far enough ahead to be declared winners. With 33% of the vote counted, the remaining GOP incumbent, J.D. Hayworth, was leading Democrat Steve Owens, 55% to 40%.


* Other--Arizona voters passed a ballot measure to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. They also expanded gambling on Indian reservations and voted to allow 15-year-olds to be tried as adults for murder, rape and armed robbery.


* President --With 67% of votes counted:


Clinton 460,291 44% Dole 489,891 47% Perot 67,330 6%


* Senate--GOP Rep. Wayne Allard beat Denver lawyer-lobbyist Tom Strickland for an open seat.

* House--Legislator Diana DeGette kept retiring Rep. Patricia Schroeder’s seat on the Democrats’ side, defeating Republican Joe Rogers and Libertarian Richard Combs.


* Other--Voters rejected a ballot initiative that would eliminate property tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations, including churches, and another that would guarantee the “inalienable right” of parents to control upbringing of their children.


* President --With 50% of votes counted:


Clinton 89,923 59% Dole 47,309 31% Perot 10,940 7%


* House--Incumbent Democrat Neil Abercrombie was running against Republican Orson Swindle, and incumbent Democrat Patsy T. Mink faced the GOP’s Tom Pico.


* President --With 66% of votes counted:


Clinton 106,807 33% Dole 173,938 54% Perot 38,220 12%


* Senate--GOP incumbent Larry E. Craig, in the toughest and most contentious race of his 16-year political career, defeated millionaire Democratic businessman Walt Minnick.


* House--Republican incumbent Michael Crapo defeated Democrat John Seidl and John Butler of the National Labor Party. GOP freshman Helen Chenoweth, outspoken ally of Speaker Newt Gingrich, was reelected in a highly negative campaign against Boise lawyer Dan Williams.

* Other--An initiative, if approved, would void Gov. Phil Batt’s nuclear waste deal that allows limited dumping for 40 years in return for cleanup and removal by 2035 of nearly all waste stored in the state.


* President --With 57% of votes counted:


Clinton 106,133 42% Dole 110,279 44% Perot 33,519 13%


* Senate--Democrat Max Baucus, an 18-year veteran, held off a strong challenge by Republican Lt. Gov. Dennis Rehberg.

* House--Republican Rick Hill won bitter personal fight against Democrat Bill Yellowtail for the lone seat, vacated by retiring Democrat Pat Williams.

* Governor--GOP incumbent Marc Racicot defeated Democratic state Sen. Judy Jacobson. The original Democratic nominee, state Sen. Chet Blaylock, 71, died of an apparent heart attack last month.

* Other--Voters defeated a measure to toughen water quality standards for mines.


* President --With 51% of votes counted:


Clinton 145,103 44% Dole 140,732 43% Perot 30,163 9%


* House--GOP candidate Jim Gibbons won an open seat in a race against Democrat Thomas Wilson. Freshman GOP incumbent John Ensign was expected to retain the state’s other seat.


* Other--Voters approved measures to enhance the rights of crime victims and make it harder to raise taxes.


* President --With 95% of votes counted:


Clinton 233,506 49% Dole 195,189 41% Perot 29,041 6%


* Senate--The GOP’s Pete V. Domenici won a fifth term, defeating Democrat Art Trujillo, Libertarian Bruce Bush and Abraham Gutmann of the Green Party.

* House--All three incumbents won. Republican Steven Schiff defeated Democrat John Wertheim and two other candidates. Republican Joe Skeen defeated Democrat Shirley Baca, and Democrat Bill Richardson defeated Republican William Redmond and Libertarian Ed Nagel.


* President --With 21% of votes counted:


Clinton 147,318 47% Dole 117,490 38% Perot 30,952 10%


* Senate--The contest pitted Democrat Tom Bruggere, Republican Gordon Smith and five minor-party candidates in an effort to succeed Republican Mark O. Hatfield, who is retiring.

* House--At least two of the incumbent Democrats, Earl Blumenauer and Peter DeFazio, were reelected. Republican Robert Smith won a contest for an open seat.

* Other--Oregon has a ballot measure that, if approved, would repeal a ban on the use of dogs and bait to hunt cougars and black bears.



* President --With 49% of votes counted:


Clinton 99,152 35% Dole 149,786 52% Perot 29,835 10%


* House--GOP incumbent James Hansen defeated Democrat Gregory Sanders. Independent-turned-Republican Merrill Cook was favored over Democrat Ross Anderson to take the seat being vacated by GOP Rep. Enid Greene, who is retiring after financial scandals involving her husband, Joseph Waldholtz.

* Governor--GOP incumbent Michael Leavitt swamped former Salt Lake City Commissioner Jim Bradley, a Democrat, and three other candidates.


* President --With 39% of votes counted:


Clinton 523,963 53% Dole 353,825 36% Perot 77,341 8%


* House--Incumbent Democrat Norm Dicks easily defeated Republican Bill Tinsley and independent candidate Ted Haley. Three other also incumbents won, including two Republicans.

* Governor--Democratic King County Executive Gary Locke will fill the open seat and become the nation’s first Chinese American governor, defeating Republican state Sen. Ellen Craswell.

* Other--One of several states seeking to list term-limits position for each lawmaker on future ballots.


* President --With 93% of votes counted:


Clinton 73,908 37% Dole 97,150 49% Perot 24,119 12%


* Senate--In a contest for the seat vacated by retiring Republican Sen. Alan K. Simpson, Republican state legislator Michael Enzi defeated Democrat Kathy Karpan, Wyoming’s former secretary of state, along with two other candidates.


* House--Incumbent Republican Barbara Cubin turned back a challenge from Democrat Pete Maxfield and Libertarian Dave Dawson to retain the state’s only seat.

* Other--Voters approved a ballot measure to list each candidate’s position on term limits on future ballots.
