
Teens Serious About Politics

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Kudos to the teens who attended the mock political convention at Ranch Santiago College (“Teens Talk Politics, Though They Have No Say,” Oct. 27)

It is a great thing that so many teens are interested in political issues even before they can vote. It is a pity, though, that neither presidential candidate spent any time addressing teens’ issues in the election. Teen jobs, school hours, school flexibility and teen driving are all issues left untouched by any presidential candidate.

The teens who attended the Rancho Santiago convention are an example of why adults need to pay attention to the political spectrum of teenagers. Teens do care! When an attendee of the Rancho Santiago College convention called Dole-Kemp headquarters asking for 20 posters to decorate with, the headquarters refused. Teens may not be able to vote in this election, but by the next presidential election, three-fourths of present high school students will be eligible to vote. We are the future of America; it’s about time we are treated like it!




* I was appalled at the [story’s] light treatment of the topic. In addition, I am disappointed that a story such as this was even allowed to be to be printed.

The Junior State of America’s presidential election conference was planned entirely by students. Nearly 80 high school students from around Southern California gave up their Saturday in order to participate.

Students spent the day pondering the weighty issues that are affecting our society today; in addition, the delegates had the opportunity to discuss issues with congressional candidate Loretta Sanchez as well as representatives of each of the presidential campaigns. As the mayor and conference director, I was disappointed [with the story].




* I read with dismay the article about the conference. When the writer interviewed me, we spoke on a very professional level, and I mostly focused on explaining the conference, keynote speakers, JSA’s history and the positive aspects of this organization.

However, the article appeared to focus on a flippant comment I made regarding Servite High School. My comment was in jest and directed to a nearby friend; I believed such a trite remark was “off the record.”

I was hoping that the article would have discussed the conference and the students involved in a more positive manner.


JSA is incredible and has done a remarkable amount to make sure students have a voice in politics and are politically aware.

Servite High School and many other chapters in JSA are also angry about the poor press JSA received.

I realize that I inadvertently fueled some negative portions in the article; however, you could have been more insightful in the choice of quotations.

Right now, I am dealing with the repercussions of speaking casually around the press, and I hope you realize the article has hurt Servite (one of the most productive chapters in JSA), my own respectability as a JSA officer and the Junior State as a whole.


Santa Ana
