
Hollywood Improvements

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Re “Hollywood: Is It Ready for Its Close-Up?” Nov. 10:

As a lifelong resident of Hollywood with fond memories of being towed behind my mother on her shopping forays down the boulevard in the ‘60s, I hope Hollywood comes back. However, the powers that be must be questioned regarding their actions.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Councilwoman Jackie Goldberg and the CRA should stop speaking of “revitalizing” Hollywood while tearing it down to support their pet projects. I could have sworn over the past couple of years they have been sponsoring a “destroy a historic building a month” club, as Hollywood is reduced to ashes and empty lots. The old Strothers Mortuary (southeast corner of Argyle and Hollywood), the original mortuary to Hollywood’s City of Homes and the last stop before the final resting place for many a star, is being dismantled piece by piece. Until recently it was a successful theater. Are these buildings in a National Historic District to be replaced by white-whale projects like the Galaxy Theater, now being given a second chance as the Hollywood Entertainment Museum?

And, finally, if these officials really want revitalization, why are they working so hard to make Hollywood the social services mecca for L.A.? Do they really think tourists and locals want to dine and shop among the clean-needle exchange, mental health clinic and runaway-teen centers? Hollywood should be restored and revitalized with the love and thoughtfulness it deserves. But I am afraid it will fall prey to those with stars and dollar signs in their eyes.



