
District May Offer Teen Parenting Program

The city’s school district is considering a program designed to help pregnant teenagers and young mothers stay in school.

The program would offer classes on parenting, prenatal care and child development, and would provide day care, district officials said.

“This will enable the girls to continue with their regular educations but give them support and additional education on prenatal care and health issues,” said Jane Bauer, president of the Tustin Unified School District Board of Education.


“It will allow them to complete their credits for graduation.”

Through the optional program, pregnant students and new mothers also would have access to certain state-funded provisions, such as food and vitamin supplements, officials said.

In the district of about 14,500 students, 37 pregnant girls are now enrolled, Assistant Supt. Jan Jones said.

In the past, Jones said, some pregnant students have left the Tustin district, either to drop out of school or attend parenting programs in the nearby Orange Unified School District or county-sponsored programs.


“We think we can do a good job here,” Jones said.

The program is expected to pay for itself, Jones said, because the district otherwise would lose funding for the students who leave.

The Board of Education discussed the program at its Nov. 12 meeting and is expected to vote on the issue Monday.

If approved, the program would be based at Guinn Foss Adult Education school.

“It’s unfortunate that there’s a need for this type of program, but we need to do whatever we can to help every child in the district stay in school,” Bauer said.
