
L.A. City Leaf Blower Ban

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Bravo to the tenacious 10 (out of 13) L.A. City Council members who voted out those mind-blowing, exhaust-billowing, ear-deafening, storm drain-clogging, air-polluting, quality of life-destroying leaf blowers (Nov. 13).

My gardener, the same for 20 years, keeps my 30,000-square-foot property neat and clean without these annoying machines. Low-performance equipment is for low-performance minds!


Woodland Hills

* At last glance, Southern California was still a converted desert. Using water hoses, rakes and brooms to do what a leaf blower can do in a few minutes at the expense of thousands of gallons of treated water makes no sense.


The AQMD has possessed no common sense from its inception, being a large number of mindless bureaucrats trying to ensure their continued paychecks. I certainly question the AQMD’s figures of 5.6 tons of hydrocarbons daily from leaf blowers.

Our lawn mowers and ovens will be next to go. Perhaps we should trash our homes and find caves to live in again. Once automobiles, fossil-fuel electricity, gas and oil heating, other motor vehicles, leaf blowers, lawn mowers, edgers, diesel trucks, buses, heavy equipment and restaurants are all gone and nobody is smoking tobacco, perhaps these mindless government hacks will finally declare California air clean again. That should make the 3,000 to 4,000 still living in the state very happy.


Anaheim Hills
