
L.A. Speak / Hikers

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b.p. abbr. established trail; derived from “beaten path.”

brown blanket day phr. smoggy day.

bubble n. mountain.

the cauldron n. San Fernando Valley basin when filled with smog.

cutter n. person who illegally removes plants, clippings or greenery.

forger n. hiker who creates new trails.

fly patch n. piles of freshly deposited dog or horse excrement. syn. fly zone.

molly n. slow walker, possibly derived from “molasses.” “It wasn’t bad enough I was stuck behind a tailpipe--he was a molly as well.”

no-fly zone n. trail, park or canyon where dogs are restricted.

skids n. slippery patch of loose gravel or dirt.

tailpipe n. hiker who smokes on trails.

walk & wink n. Sierra Club singles mixer.
