
Fast Facts / L.A. Cemeteries

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* Total graves in Los Angeles County: estimated 3 million.

* Burials per year in L.A. County: 55,000 to 60,000.

* Percentage of those who die in L.A. whose bodies are shipped elsewhere for burial: 10%; most common destinations: East Coast, Latin America.

* Cemeteries in L.A. County: 76.

* Average cost of burial in L.A. County: $2,000.

* Cost of grave at three-acre Westwood Memorial Park:

$20,000 to $24,000.

* Visitors per day to Marilyn Monroe’s crypt at Westwood Memorial: 350.

* Number of bodies legally required to constitute a cemetery: 6.

* Length of waterfall that descends from Al Jolson’s monument at Hillside Memorial Park in Culver City: 120 feet.

* Oldest known L.A. burial site: La Brea Tar Pit No. 10, where the 9,000-year-old remains of a woman--most likely a Chumash Indian--and her dog.


Number of Jewish cemeteries in L.A. County: 10: Catholic: 10; Russian molokan: 3; Chinese: 1.; Serbian: 1.

Pumpkins counted at grave sites at Resurrection Cemetery in Montebello on a Sunday in late October: 27.

Number of years after which unclaimed cremated remains of indigents are buried at Evergreen Cemetery in East Los Angeles: 3


Pet cemeteries in Los Angeles: 2.

Pets buried at Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park: 35,000; lions buried there: 1.

Smallest pet buried at Pet Haven Cemetery and Crematory in Gardena: “Goldy,” a goldfish; cost of burial: $200
