
Actor Tells Court of Probation Violation

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Television actor Sasha Mitchell took the witness stand in his own defense Monday, explaining to a municipal judge why he violated the terms of his probation by leaving the state last summer.

“I was scared for my children,” Mitchell said, telling Judge Bruce A. Clark that he believed his wife was neglecting their four children. “It was my intention to stay with my children--no matter where they were.”

The 29-year-old actor and kick-boxer pleaded no-contest to misdemeanor spousal abuse last year for beating his pregnant wife when they lived in Thousand Oaks.


He was sentenced to three years’ probation and ordered to attend counseling sessions for abusers in Ventura County.

But Mitchell twice violated the terms of his probation, prosecutors said, most recently by leaving California to be with his wife, from whom he is separated, and their children in Tennessee.

On the witness stand Monday, Mitchell said he had no choice but to go with his estranged wife when she moved to Tennessee in June. He accused her of taking drugs, and neglecting and abusing their children.


He then sought and was granted custody of the children in Tennessee, and Mitchell said he could not leave the youngsters by returning to California.

Mitchell, a former cast member of the TV show “Step by Step,” said he wanted to arrange a deal with the court so he could serve his probation in Tennessee.

“I know my children are much better off where they are now,” the actor said of the small farming town where his family relocated. “They love the cows, the whole thing.”


Mitchell’s testimony contradicts that of his estranged wife, who also testified Monday morning. She said Mitchell has been abusive.

Further testimony in his case was postponed until this morning.
