
Young Black Men in Prison, College

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I must take exception to “A Crime Against the Innocents” (Commentary, Dec. 11). Donna Mungen has forgotten that society is made up of individuals, and we have the freedom to choose our role in the community. Most people choose to contribute to the well-being of society by paying taxes and abiding by the laws of the land. Some individuals, on the other hand, choose to commit crimes, for which they must be punished.

I agree with Mungen that education is of vital importance in becoming a productive member of our society. By law, no one can be denied a public education. So if individuals choose not to participate in educating themselves, this cannot be blamed on society, it is their personal choice.

Mungen’s article tries to perpetuate the myth that people are not responsible for their actions, and it is society’s fault that Johnny decides to commit a crime instead of doing homework. Although I do not speak for society, I for one grow weary of people not taking responsibility for their actions. Life is about choice.



Redondo Beach
