
Mojave Desert

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Re “Can the Mojave Survive?” Dec. 11:

The development of the Mojave Desert is a disaster in the making. Mark Liggett, the hydro-geologist and a founding partner of the Cadiz Land Co., states, “There’s no way we’re going to exhaust that water supply.” Well, he’s either a fool or a con man. Unfortunately, he’ll be gone before the underground water table is depleted and the resultant environmental destruction is evident. Pity the “desert cities” and the rest of our state when that happens.


Long Beach

* Nothing is more wonderful than the smell of desert creosote after a rain. I admire the beauty of cactus needles poking through freshly fallen snow. The excitement of an afternoon desert thunderstorm with its different shades of colors is awesome to witness. These scenes I have experienced from my off-road motorcycle in the Mojave.

Frank Clifford’s article, while accurate in facts, was not objective in presentation. His portrayal of off-road enthusiasts is one of hell-raising, earth-pummeling weekend warriors who use and abuse the fragile environment. He uses the terms “run riot” and “tear up canyons and hillsides at will.” While it is true that off-road vehicles have left their marks on a very small percentage of the desert, it is not fair all enthusiasts are portrayed in this way. The vast majority of off-roaders stay on existing, well-established open trails and out of closed and protected areas. Yes, it is a shame that the desert doesn’t rebound like other less-arid environments but what are our alternatives? Lock the desert up to prevent off-road and other interests? Who are we saving it for? The people who say they experience the desert from a car going to Las Vegas at 70 mph with the windows rolled up and the stereo on?


We need to be aware that desert protection cannot be synonymous with additional restricted access. If people can’t get in the desert, they will never truly experience and respect its many resources.

