
Simpson Trial

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In contrast to letter writers (Dec. 11), I follow the O.J. Simpson trials closely with interest and anxiety because of the many important issues involved--not the least of which is the crisis in our justice system exemplified by the recent jury nullification. If we had just witnessed the acquittal of the murderer of civil rights activist Medgar Evers by a Southern jury, I would be just as upset, and for the same reason.


Los Angeles

* Regardless of O.J.’s guilt or innocence, it is clear that the police and police lab were guilty of lapses that threw significant doubt on their case.

Although the Los Angeles Police Department may consider these to be internal matters, surely the public--their employer--has by now a right to know what steps have been taken and what procedures instituted to reduce the chance of such errors being committed again.


Let us hear from you, Chief Willie Williams!

