
Reaction to Gangsta Rap

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* Re “Still Peddling Filth for Profit,” Jan. 19.

What other outlets do you think “we” should boycott / ban because “they” (definitely not part of “we” or “us”) also use ugly themes--”sexual mutilation of women, gang fights, cop killing, rape, race wars and street murder” to make a buck? Who else can be accused of “peddling filth for profit?” Movies? Nope. Television programs? Never. Newspaper articles? Uh-uh. Magazine features? Nah. Lots and lots of books? No. It’s all gangsta rap’s fault!

Gangsta rap isn’t real. It’s just music and music is entertainment. You know that. (I can think of instances, however, where gangsta rap has provided some very relevant social commentary--about this city, in particular. And that’s valuable.) Besides, songs all by themselves can’t hurt anybody. They’re only lyrics. Words. That’s it. So aren’t you condemning gangsta rap because a.) you really don’t like it / don’t really get it, and b.) it’s made by predominantly young black (and “they” are definitely not part of “we” or “us”) men?

Sick. Insidious. Depraved. Demented. Disgusting. I bet those are the same words your dad uttered when he first saw Elvis shake his hips on the “Ed Sullivan” show 40 years ago. Yeah, I know they only showed Elvis from the waist up, but look how silly that seems now.



