
Gay Issues in Legislature

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Re “Assembly Democrats Renew Push to Expand Gay Rights,” Feb. 9: I would like to thank The Times for bringing to the attention of the public AB 101, a centerpiece of the gay community’s agenda. Assembly member Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica) named this bill “The Dignity for All Students Act.” In my opinion, homosexuality has no dignity!

Sexual orientation is just a fancy phrase by Kuehl to give some sort of legitimacy to her distorted beliefs toward homosexual rights. Sexual orientation has no claim to civil rights nor individual rights, for that matter, in the education of our children. To enact a law that specifically bars discrimination based on sexual orientation in public education, including employment, athletics, financial aid, curricula and student activities, is wrong.


Member of the Orange County

Board of Education, District 1

Costa Mesa

* I came up with a proposition for those who oppose the measures that focus on the rights of gays. This is directed to homophobic critics like Sen. William J. “Pete” Knight (R-Palmdale), who is “expected to revive his measure to bar the state from recognizing gay marriages performed in other states.” I propose that he (and all his like-minded ilk) also consider a measure that would prorate the taxes of gays. After all, they only receive about half the rights of an “ordinary” (read heterosexual) American citizen, shouldn’t they be assessed proportionately?


I would also like to remind Art Croney (the lobbyist with the Committee on Moral Concerns) that homosexuals are not the only ones who will be involved in the campaign against a ballot measure that seeks to curtail the rights of gays. Anyone who has felt the sting of discrimination is likely to become involved. Gays are not asking for special treatment. They are simply asking to be granted the same anti-bias protection as racial and ethnic minorities.


Chino Hills
