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Quotations from Deng Xiaoping, taken from official texts and translated by The Associated Press:

“On no account should we allow our youngsters to fall captive to capitalist ideas.”

--March 1985 speech.


“The United States has blamed us for suppressing the students. But didn’t the U.S. itself call out police and troops to deal with student strikes and disturbances...?

--June 9, 1989, comment to officers of troops enforcing martial law in Beijing after Tiananmen Square massacre.



“If you want to bring the initiative of the peasants into play, you should give them the power to make money.”

--October 1985 comment to magazine delegation.


“It doesn’t matter if we put profits in command a bit. Otherwise what can the state depend on?”

--1975 speech.


“Feudal society replaced slave society. Capitalism supplanted feudalism. And, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supersede capitalism.”


--Comment made during January-February 1992 tour of southern China


“It is our task to continue to observe faithfully the Central Committee’s principle of opposition to the elevation and glorification of the individual.”

--1956 speech against Mao Tse-tung’s personality cult.


“Ideologically, I must confess that not only have I not raised high the banner of Mao Tse-tung thought, but I have not even lifted this banner up.”

--October 1966 self-criticism while under attack as a “capitalist roader.”


“If today we still do not set about the task of improving the socialist system, people will ask why it cannot solve problems which its capitalist counterpart can.”


--August 1980 party speech
