
School Survey Will Ask About Uniforms

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Parents whose children attend Dale Junior High will begin receiving surveys early next week asking how they feel about school uniforms.

The school has offered to be a pilot for a proposal to require uniforms at all campuses in the Anaheim Unified High School District.

“If there’s no local support for it, it’s going to be hard to implement,” said Bob Montenegro, safe-schools administrator.


Dale Principal John Douglas said he is hopeful that the results will show support for a junior high policy because Magnolia School District, whose students attend Dale, recently voted for such a standard.

Douglas said he will host two information sessions, on March 13 and 18, to answer parents’ questions before the April 3 deadline to return the surveys.

A committee of parents, teachers and students will recommend a style for uniforms if there is enough support, Douglas said. He said he hopes to see multicolored uniforms with several choices rather than just blue pants and white shirts, the standard for many campuses.


Douglas said the cost would be about $12 for shirts and $14 for pants, shorts and skirts. The district would offer economic support for families who need help with the purchases.

Information: (714) 220-4210.
