
Times Wins 2 Top Honors in Headliner Awards

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The Los Angeles Times won top honors this week in the National Headliner Awards for its investigative coverage of large contributions to the Democratic Party by influential Asians and for feature photography.

The Times’ “Money From Asia” series triggered numerous investigations, forced the Democrats to return nearly $1.2 million in donations and sparked a national cry for campaign finance reform.

The winning photography entry was a poignant shot, taken by Times photographer Clarence Williams III, of an inmate in the harsh and crowded Los Angeles County correctional system saying goodbye to his young daughter.


The two first-place awards, presented by the Press Club of Atlantic City in one of the nation’s oldest and largest annual celebrations of journalistic merit, were among half a dozen prizes presented to the paper.

The Times also won second-place awards for the sportswriting of Bill Plaschke and the television columns of Howard Rosenberg, and third-place awards for Ken Oelerich’s graphic design and Robin Abcarian’s columns.

The 63rd annual awards will be presented at a banquet May 3 in Atlantic City.

Other first-place winners included the Seattle Times, which won the public service award for stories exposing a fault in the rudder of Boeing 737 jets; Newsday, which won the spot news award for coverage of the crash of TWA Flight 800; the Wall Street Journal for feature writing; the Detroit Free Press for sportswriting; the Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Journal for editorial writing; and the Miami Herald and Baltimore Sun for their columnists.
