
Once You Catch Tiger by Tail, It’s Tough to Let Him Loose

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Year after year Notre Dame football is great. But it’s not as great as Notre Dame and the media think it is. Notre Dame has a wonderful fight song. But not as wonderful as Notre Dame and the media think it is. I could go on with similar comparisons, but I’ll stop with Tiger Woods.

There is no doubt that this young man will achieve maximum success as a golfer. He already has. But I wager he cannot walk on water.

I used to be a Tiger Woods fan; I still am to a lesser degree. The media have turned me off. This started with the media’s blowing the Fuzzy Zoeller thing out of proportion to that ridiculous headline in today’s [May 26] Times. Since when does the loser get top billing over the winner? When did any golf tournament receive such a prominent headline in the Los Angeles Times? The Colonial in Fort Worth? Get real!


Adlai Stevenson defined a newspaperman as someone who separates the wheat from the chaff and reports the chaff. Who would argue with the accuracy of such a statement?


Palm Desert


What probably galls professional golfers the most is when they finally win, the headline reads: “Tiger Woods Loses!”


Los Angeles
