
Disband Superfluous Agencies

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Rabbits have nothing on government entities when it comes to joyous propagation.

Ventura County and its 10 cities seem to happily beget agencies, committees, task forces, working groups and special districts with an almost lusty enthusiasm.

That is why it’s so refreshing to even consider the notion that one or two of them might be expendable.

They are talking about it in Moorpark, where the city’s Mosquito Abatement District last week voted to send a resolution to the Local Agency Formation Commission (midwife to all these bouncing baby bureaucracies) asking it to consider disbanding the district and dividing its duties between city and county.


The district was formed 37 years ago when the as-yet-unincorporated Moorpark had more chickens and turkeys than people. The birds attracted bugs and the Mosquito Abatement District was mobilized to fight back.

But as people came to out-populate poultry, other problems seemed more pressing. And as the district piled up more than $1.4 million in assessments over the years, city and county became more and more interested in taking over the district’s nest egg--and, oh yes, its duties.

We’re all for LAFCO taking a close look at whether Moorpark and Ventura County could keep the bugs abated with one less bureaucracy on the organizational chart. If so, let it go.


Something similar is afoot in Camarillo, where a taxpayer advocate asked the grand jury to look into whether the Camarillo Health Care District too has outlived its usefulness.

Established in 1969 to build the Pleasant Valley Hospital, the district accomplished that mission years ago. These days it offers an adult day-care center, a medical transport service and numerous support groups and classes.

Since the Ventura County Alliance of Taxpayers raised the question of whether the district should continue, a legion of defenders has rallied to its defense. The grand jury probably has more pressing matters to investigate.


Still, it’s healthy to be reminded that government bodies, once set in motion, should not automatically remain in motion forever.
