
Publisher Pays for Recount of City Council Election

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The publisher of a Walnut newspaper has personally paid for a recount in a City Council race after Larry Waldie was elected by a two-vote margin over candidate Tom King.

Waldie, a sheriff’s commander, was officially declared the winner in the Nov. 4 election last week with 1,271 votes. King lost with 1,269 votes.

Nadine Brown, publisher of the Walnut Times, announced at last week’s City Council meeting that she would pay for a recount, citing the possibility of electronic error.


Grace Chavez of the county registrar-recorder office, confirmed that Brown requested the recount. Brown will be able to choose which precincts are recounted first. Each day of counting will cost Brown about $1,679, Chavez said.

Meanwhile, the county registrar will also begin a recount Monday in the West Covina Unified School District board race in which Ed Casanova won last week on a coin toss over George Fuller. Both got the same number of votes so the Nov. 4 election was decided by a coin toss. A Fuller supporter asked for the recount, Chavez said.
