
Sprewell’s Act: Symptomatic of Society, or Only the NBA?

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I was very pleased to see the Warriors and NBA take swift action in terminating Latrell Sprewell’s contract and suspending him from the league for a year after his vicious assault on Coach P.J. Carlesimo.

But this should only be the beginning. Who among us could grab our boss, let alone any co-worker or stranger, around the throat, threaten to kill him, and not be arrested for a felony? Latrell Sprewell should not be talking about playing basketball in the NBA or in any other country. The only talking he should be doing right now is with a good attorney.

What kind of message are we sending society when we allow athletes to conduct themselves in such a manner without fear of prosecution? Even if there was “verbal abuse” which has been alleged, a man has got to control himself.


I hope the coach has the courage to do the right thing and press charges. That may be the only way to send the message to other pro athletes that they are not above the law. I’m so sick of hearing people say, “Show me the money!” What I want from the players is to “Show me your responsibility!”




The incident with Latrell Sprewell and P.J. Carlesimo says one obvious thing about our society: There is increasingly less respect for authority. But it also says something else that is to me less obvious: There is an increasing lack of respect by authority figures for those whom they have authority over.

Sprewell most definitely blew his cool, and his punishment is, in my opinion, appropriate. However, it appears that Carlesimo is another in a line of abusive coaches (like Bob Knight and Lou Campanelli) who flaunt their power and rank. I hope profanity and verbal tirades by coaches are on their way out.


Authority is nothing without wisdom and prudence by those who hold it.


Shell Beach


In exchange for getting rid of Latrell Sprewell, the NBA should grant the Warriors a higher draft pick.


Redondo Beach
